Will you place ads on my site?

AdriaHost.net will NOT place ads on your site. That is one of the many advantages of having a paid host.

We do have a default 404 page that can be replaced in a few seconds with your own that we recommend doing to help maximize your traffic. If you aren't sure how to do this open a ticket with us and we will be happy to do it for you. A 404 page is what loads when someone visits a page on your site that doesn't exist.

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Do you allow sites to advertise for money, on their web site?

Yes, we allow sites to have commercial advertisements.

How do I change my hosts file?

You are likely asking this because you want to see your domain name before your DNS changes...

Is there any contract for hosting?

There are no contracts to keep you at AdriaHost. You may pay month to month and cancel when...

How long does it take to setup my hosting package?

For security purposes, all new purchases with AdriaHost are screened for fraudulent orders....

What control panel do you use and do you have a demo?

All AdriaHost servers use cPanel. You can try the demo here. Username: x3demob Password:...