How do I redirect e-mails to another e-mail address?

If you want all e-mails sent to an e-mail address at the domain that you own to beredirected to another e-mail address you can accomplish it by logging into your cPanel and choosing "Forwarders" and then adding an redirection with the "add forwarder" option.

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Are you able to send emails but not receive?

Either your domain is over quota, or your e-mail address itself is over quota. You will need...

How do I log into Webmail?

You can log into webmail by going to: or...

How do I create email accounts?

  Login into your CPanel with the username and password Click on EMail Accounts Fill in...

Google Apps Email Walkthrough

The first thing you need to do to start using Google Apps is sign up for it. There is a...

Where do I go to check my emails using my browser?

To check your email using your web browser, go to