What is Fantastico?

Fantastico De Luxe is the leading auto installer for cPanel servers. With more than 10,000 installations, it provides more than one million end users the ability to quickly install dozens of the leading open source content management systems into their web space.

Complete list of 50+ scripts

Fantastico DeLuxe will allow you and your customers to install over 50 scripts instantly. To use fantastico you or your client will just login to their control panel, click Fantastico, and then click one of the 50+ scripts to be installed such as:

Blogs, Portals/CMS, Customer Support Desks, forums, shopping carts, Image Galleries, Mailing Lists.


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How do I create an addon domain?

You cannot create an addon domain if your dns for the site you are trying to add hasn't...

How do I add database and user for database?

Create: If you are using any type of PHP software or keeping a collection of records which...

Using File Manager

If you want to upload files quicker, and have more options as well as control we recommend...

What is subdomain, parked domain and addon domain?

A subdomain is a second website, with its own unique content, but there is no new domain...

What is a subdomain?

www.domain.com is a domain name. A subdomain is anything that replaces the www in a domain name.